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Blog Post number 4
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Blog Post number 3
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Blog Post number 2
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Blog Post number 1
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Portfolio item number 1
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Portfolio item number 2
Short description of portfolio item number 2
MRI & MRS assessment of the role of the tumour microenvironment in response to therapy
Published in NMR in Biomedicine, 2011
This is a review paper on the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopic (MRS) techniques to assess the tumour microenvironment in response to therapy.
Recommended citation: Bell LK, Ainsworth NL, Lee SH, Griffiths JR. (2011). "MRI & MRS assessment of the tumour microenvironment in response to therapy." NMR in Biomedicine. 24(6):612-35.
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Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of cancer metabolism and response to therapy
Published in Radiation Research, 2012
This is a review paper on magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) methods and their applications to evaluate cancer metabolism and tumour responses to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Recommended citation: McIntyre DJ, Madhu B, Lee SH, Griffiths JR. (2012). "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of cancer metabolism and response to therapy." Radiation Research. 177(4):398-435.
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Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Monitored In Vivo by Hyperpolarized 13C-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Demonstrates Its Importance for pH Regulation in Tumors
Published in Cancer Research, 2015
This is a pre-clinical study measuring the in vivo functional activity of Carbonic Anhydrase IX (CAIX) in colorectal tumor models with hyperpolarized H13CO2 using 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy magnetization transfer measurements. Paradoxically, tumors overexpressing CAIX showed lower enzyme activity using magnetization transfer measurements, which could be explained by the more acidic tumour extracellular pH in these tumors and the decreased activity of CAIX at low pH.
Recommended citation: Gallagher FA, Sladen H, Kettunen MI, Serrao EM, Rodrigues TB, Wright A, Gill AB, McGuire S, Booth TC, Boren J, McIntyre A, Miller JL, Lee SH, Honess D, Day SE, Hu DE, Howat WJ, Harris AL, Brindle KM (2015). "Carbonic Anhydrase Activity Monitored In Vivo by Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Demonstrates Its Importance for pH Regulation in Tumors." Cancer Research. 75(10):4109-4118.
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Carbonic anhydrase IX is a pH-stat that sets an acidic tumour extracellular pH in vivo
Published in British Journal of Cancer, 2018
This pre-clinical study, which forms part of my PhD thesis, is the first to demonstrate that a hypoxia-associated tumour enzyme, carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) acidifies the tumor microenvironment in vivo. This study also uncovered a extracellular pH-stat mechanism for CAIX that maintains a more acidic environment within solid tumors.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, McIntyre D, Honess, D, Hulikova A, Pacheco-Torres J, Cerdán S,Swietach, P, Harris AL, Griffiths JR. (2018). "Carbonic anhydrase IX is a pH-stat that sets an acidic tumour extracellular pH in vivo." British Journal of Cancer. 119(5):622-630.
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Comparing the Utility and Surgical Outcomes of Harmonic Focus Ultrasonic Scalpel with Ligasure Small Jaw Bipolar Device in Thyroidectomies: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
Published in Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2019
This is a randomized controlled trial comparing the use of Harmonic Focus ultrasonic scalpel and Ligasure Small Jaw bipolar device in thyroidectomy at a single tertiary center. There were significant differences in duration of surgery, postoperative drainage or adverse events. The Harmonic scalpel was associated with a higher postoperative pain but favoured by surgeons due to the ability to perform fine dissection with the device itself.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Nguyen TK, Ong WS, Haaland B, Tay GC, Tan NC, Tan HK, Ng JCF, Iyer NG. (2019). "Comparing the Utility and Surgical Outcomes of Harmonic Focus Ultrasonic Scalpel with Ligasure Small Jaw Bipolar Device in Thyroidectomies: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial." Annals of Surgical Oncology. 26(13):4414-4422.
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How and Why Are Cancers Acidic? Carbonic Anhydrase IX and the Homeostatic Control of Tumour Extracellular pH
Published in Cancers, 2020
This is a review paper on the causes and consequences of the acidic tumour microenvironment, with a focus on carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) and prospects for clinical translation of CAIX-targeted therapies in oncology
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Griffiths JR. (2020). "How and Why Are Cancers Acidic? Carbonic Anhydrase IX and the Homeostatic Control of Tumour Extracellular pH." Cancers. 12(6)1616.
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Clinical characteristics and predictors of mortality in patients with melioidosis: the Kapit experience
Published in Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2021
This is a retrospective study of 73 patients with melioidosis at Kapit Hospital, Sarawak, Malaysia between 2016 to 2019. Patients commonly presented with septic shock, in the form of bacteraemia and pneumonia. Two routine clinical parameters, serum bicarbonate and albumin were found to have important prognostic implications in septicaemic melioidosis..
Recommended citation: Toh V, Tee SP, Lee SH. (2021). "Clinical characteristics and predictors of mortality in patients with melioidosis: the Kapit experience." Tropical Medicine & International Health. 26(6):664-671.
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HIF-1-Independent Mechanisms Regulating Metabolic Adaptation in Hypoxic Cancer Cells
Published in Cells, 2021
This is a review paper on metabolic adaptations involving carbohydrate and creatinine metabolism and other hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)-independent mechanisms that enable cancers to survive hypoxia despite anti-HIF-1 therapy.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Golinska M, Griffiths JR. (2021). "HIF-1-Independent Mechanisms Regulating Metabolic Adaptation in Hypoxic Cancer Cells." Cells. 10(9)2371.
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Self-reported symptom study of COVID-19 chemosensory dysfunction in Malaysia
Published in Scientific Reports, 2022
This is a nationwide, multi-centre, cross-sectional study of self-reported chemosensory dysfunction of 498 adult COVID-19 patients in Malaysia between June to November 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. By combining epidemiological and machine learning analyses, our study found that chemosensory dysfunction in COVID-19 was more widespread that previously reported among Asians and may be related to the infectivity of viral strains.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Yeoh ZX, Sachlin IS, Gazali N, Soelar SA, Foo CY, Low LL, Alwi SB, Kamalden TM, Shanmuganathan J, Zaid M, Wong CY, Chua HH, Yusuf S, Muhamad D, Devesahayam PR, Ker HB, Salahuddin Z, Mustafa M, Sawali H, Lee HG, Din S, Misnan NA, Mohamed A, Ismail MN, Periasamy C, Chow TS, Krishan EK, Leong CL, Lim LPF, Zaidan NZ, Ibrahim Z, Abd Wahab S, Mohd Hashim SS, Malaysian COVID-19 Anosmia Research Group . (2022). "Self-reported symptom study of COVID-19 chemosensory dysfunction in Malaysia." Scientific Reports. 12(1):2111.
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Negative Index Metamaterial-Based Frequency-Reconfigurable Textile CPW Antenna for Microwave Imaging of Breast Cancer
Published in Sensors, 2022
This study reports the design and development of a metamaterial-based reconfigurable textile antenna for microwave breast imaging. This microwave imaging system was capable of detecting a tumour as small as 10 mm in a breast phantom and we propose that it may be used clinically for detection of breast cancer.
Recommended citation: Hossain K, Sabapathy T, Jusoh M, Lee SH, Rahman KSA, Kamarudin MR. (2015). "Negative Index Metamaterial-Based Frequency-Reconfigurable Textile CPW Antenna for Microwave Imaging of Breast Cancer." Sensors. 22(4)1626.
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Evolution of transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach according to the IDEAL framework
Published in British Journal of Surgery, 2022
This article reviews the evidence base, including landmark studies in the field of transoral endoscopic thyroid surgery vestibular approach (TOETVA), and assesses whether the evolution of TOETVA has aligned with the IDEAL framework, a scheme for safe implementation and assessment of surgical innovation.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Moorthy R, Nagala S. (2015). "Evolution of transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach according to the IDEAL framework." British Journal of Surgery. 109(6):497-502.
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IgG4-Related Disease of the Pharynx with Spontaneous Regression
Published in American Journal of Medicine, 2022
The first case report of spontaneous regression of IgG4-related disease of the upper aerodigestive tract.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Jaafar R, Misron NA, Yusof Z. (2022). "IgG4-Related Disease of the Pharynx with Spontaneous Regression." American Journal of Medicine. 135(11):e420-e422.
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Author response to: Comment on: Evolution of transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach according to the IDEAL framework
Published in British Journal of Surgery, 2022
Our response to a comment by by Alkaissy et al. on the transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach (TOETVA) IDEAL Framework for surgical innovation paper in the Britsh Journal of Surgery.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Moorthy R, Nagala S. (2022). "Author response to: Comment on: Evolution of transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach according to the IDEAL framework." British Journal of Surgery. 109(11):e118.
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Massive immediate post-tracheostomy bleeding from the innominate artery
Published in Polish Annals of Medicine, 2023
This is a case report of a difficult tracheostomy complicated by massive immediate bleeding from the innominate artery that required a median sternotomy for vascular access and control.
Recommended citation: Mohd Zakir NN, Mohamad I, Lee SH, Yusof Z, Muhammod Riaz Z. (2023). "Massive immediate post-tracheostomy bleeding from the innominate artery." Polish Annals of Medicine. 30(2):157-160.
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Metabolic regulation of the tumour and its microenvironment: The role of Epstein-Barr virus
Published in International Journal of Cancer, 2024
This is the first review paper that examines the links between Epstein-Barr virus, tumour metabolism and its microenvironment. Our review highlights how targeting this link may overcome resistance to immunotherapies.
Recommended citation: Lee SH, Khoo ASB, Griffiths JR, Mat Lazim N. (2024). "Metabolic regulation of the tumour and its microenvironment: The role of Epstein-Barr virus." International Journal of Cancer. 156(3):488-498.
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Talk 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
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Conference Proceeding talk 3 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
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Teaching experience 1
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
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Teaching experience 2
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
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